Thursday 18 May 2017

That's A Wrap! (Content Warning)

If anyone had told me that I would get to the end of my degree in one piece, I would have laughed in their face, and told them to stop winding me up. But, with only one exam left, it would seem that despite all the trials I have faced during my degree, I have indeed made it out in one piece after all.

I never thought I would make it into university in the first place. I was convinced that I wouldn't achieve my dreams. When I got to university; I became a campus relationship statistic (though, by the grace of God, not the most serious campus statistic), I experienced numerous breakdowns, extreme setbacks and hospitalisations with my spine, seen my parents split and reunite, lost an entire 'friendship' group, and battled with feeling like I couldn't do it. I've called my Mum crying saying I wanted to drop out at least 4 times each academic year.
 I've battled with body image and old ED habits, with being unable to move/shower/walk without assistance, with being lonely and scared while 130 miles from home - which is 129 too many when you're a big softie like me.

But I have met some amazing people, became closer friends with two of the most amazing people, felt the love and support of my little sister in measures I've never seen before, had the encouragement and patience of four of the most inspirational young women ever, and have been cheered up every day by my friends from home. I made it through every trial that life has thrown at me so far and I don't intend to stop fighting now.

I've shocked myself at how much I've grown as a person. Coming to Nottingham Trent University has helped me unlock the ability to decide what is right for me, regardless of whether other people think I'm right. It has taught me to know when to push my limits and when to play it safe. It has given me the space to rebel and rediscover who I am, and has allowed me to learn when to ask for help. It has taught me to keep fighting for what I know is right, and to keep pushing forwards every day even when I feel at my worst. It has made me more appreciative of my friends and family - as without them I wouldn't be here to celebrate making it through three years as an undergraduate.

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